America's Health Insurance Mafia and Their Fight Against Medicare-For-All | The Populist

Trending YouTube videos top searched Money Saving Strategies, Money Management, and How Can Universal Healthcare Save Money, America's Health Insurance Mafia and Their Fight Against Medicare-For-All | The Populist.

Support for Medicare-for-All continues to skyrocket. 69 percent of Americans are in favor of the policy. 88 percent of Democrats. 68 percent of Independents. And even 46 percent of Republicans.

The United States currently ranks highest in healthcare spending per capita among the developed nations of the world.

Numerous left and right-wing studies have found that Medicare-For-All would save money. Trillions of dollars over a decade.

And yet, the Democratic Party has overwhelmingly voted against Medicare-For-All in their DNC platform.

And the Republican Party? They’re not for Obamacare or a public option – nothing except the status quo. You’ve got tens of millions of people with no healthcare and their only response is…. [insert silly cartoon noise]

So you got the Republican Party and the Diet Republican Party. The Far Right Party and the Center Right Party.

This is what we have in America.

To the point where they’re open about telling the American People to piss right off.

Now, this begs the question: How did we get to this place? How do we have a system that tells a wide majority of the country to piss off when this is supposed to be a Constitutional Republic and a Representative Democracy?

The hard truth is: They’re not representing you. They’re representing corporate interests.

Why does almost all of the Democratic Leadership reject Medicare-For-All?

Go check their funding. Their donors. See how much money Big Pharma gave them. See how much money the For-Profit Health Insurance Company gave them.

They gave them the money for a purpose. It’s not because they agree with them on social issues. No, these are rapacious, amoral corporations. They’re giving them that money because they’re expecting favors in return. “If I fund your campaign, then you have to do things for me.”

What are those things?

Give them giant subsidies. Deregulate the for-profit health insurance market. Let them continue to price gouge. Let them continue to kick people off of their health insurance.

We have a system that’s run by The Mafia.

You have this unnecessary middleman in between you and your doctor that robs you. And then that unnecessary middleman controls the politicians that set the rules.

So, do you understand what’s going on here?

This is a Mafia system. Whenever anybody comes to you talking about choice, just understand that real argument they’re making is: “I wanna give you a choice as to which Mafia is gonna price gouge you and rip you off and get in between you and your doctor.”

Which Mafia do you prefer screwing you? Do you prefer the Cigna Mafia? Do you prefer the United Healthcare Mafia? Or maybe the Humana mafia? Which mafia do you want ripping you off?

“You have to pick a Mafia because we’re all about choice!”

Well, how about no Mafia? How about no for-profit middleman stealing money from you? How about if you’re sick, you can get help without worrying about going bankrupt?

How about catching up to every other developed country on earth?


Medicare For All Support Keeps Skyrocketing – Secular Talk

Save trillions

health insurance tracker

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69 percent in favor

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President Reagan’s Remarks to Health Care Group on April 19, 1983 (Courtesy Ronald Reagan Presidential Library)

President Lyndon Johnson Medicare Signing Ceremony Preview

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1940s: FDR Second Bill of Rights Speech

President Bush reiterated his goal to make health care more affordable and accessible to all America

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How Can Universal Healthcare Save Money, America's Health Insurance Mafia and Their Fight Against Medicare-For-All | The Populist.

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America's Health Insurance Mafia and Their Fight Against Medicare-For-All | The Populist, Explore latest replays related to How Can Universal Healthcare Save Money.

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Martha Kerri

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