Don’t Buy a Life Insurance Policy Until You Watch This!

Published on May 15, 2022

Trending guide related to Summer Tips, Money Manage, Help Save Money, and Would Universal Health Care Be Cheaper, Don’t Buy a Life Insurance Policy Until You Watch This!.

Thinking about buying life insurance? If you don’t want to get ripped off, or make the dumb mistakes that so many people make every day with their insurance, watch this video BEFORE you buy.

Take a listen to Byron – he knows his stuff – as he shares inside secrets with you that the insurance companies won’t. Once you watch this, you’ll know what you need to know in order to SAVE BIG BUCKS on your next life insurance policy.

Visit our blog and learn more about how much life insurance you need and the kind of coverage that fits your life. If your thirst for knowledge extends past the common questions, peruse our blog at your leisure.

How much life insurance do you need? Learn!
3 Reasons People Put Off Buying Insurance. Know it!

Prefer to read? Here’s the video in words!

Hi. I’m Byron Udell, Founder and CEO of AccuQuote.

As one of the leading life insurance experts…with over 30 years experience in the industry…I’m here to tell you that NOT having life insurance is truthfully…one of the stupidest things on the world to do.

If you DON’T have life insurance, you are leaving your loved ones open to a world of hurt. What if you suddenly died TOMORROW…how would your family get by financially? How would your SPOUSE pay for the mortgage…utilities…health care…your kids’ college tuition, etc.?

Think about it.

Now…do the right thing.

Hey, EVERYBODY needs life insurance. It’s one of the SMARTEST things you can do for yourself…and your family.

Life insurance turns pennies into dollars when your family needs it the most.

Why would you NOT want to buy this product?


But before you DO buy life insurance…let’s talk.

First off, you have to figure out what KIND of life insurance best suits your needs.

TERM LIFE INSURANCE is certainly the most affordable. A term life policy now costs about A THIRD of what it did just 20 years ago.

A 35-year old male can get a half a million dollars of term life coverage for over 20 years…for less than a dollar a day. How’s THAT for a great deal?

Term life insurance is typically sold in terms of 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 years.

Another great thing about a term life policy is that you can also use it as an investment tool.

With a RETURN OF PREMIUM…or…ROP term life policy…you can get 100% of your premiums back…if you are alive at the end of the term.

It’s like getting life insurance…with a money-back guarantee!

Say you buy a $1 million policy with a 30-year term. And let’s say your premiums are $10,000 per year…depending on your age, health and other factors. At the end of the 30th year, the insurance company will pay you $300,000…tax-free!

Think of the money as a new huge asset in your retirement portfolio.

And if you DO die before the term, then your family will collect the $1 million death benefit.

An ROP policy does cost more than a traditional term life, but it’s a better way to win the game of life insurance.

Now, the downside of term life is that it only covers you for a temporary period of time. And when the term of that policy ends, the new premiums skyrocket upward dramatically.

Frankly, most people…at that point…simply drop the policy. Which is GOOD for the insurance company…but BAD for you.

But the ONLY way to win the game of life insurance…is to DIE with your policy in force. Meaning…your policy has to be CURRENT. Then you’ve WON.

Otherwise, you’re up the creek without a paddle.

But if you purchase a PERMANENT LIFE policy, you won’t have to worry about your policy ending. There’s no expiration date on this type of product.

And the results are just amazing! Take a woman, AGE 43…with a $500,000 PERMANENT LIFE policy…making premiums of $2,500 a year. At age 86…43 years later…she would’ve paid $107,500 in premiums. If she died the same year at age 86…her family would receive $500,000 tax-free. That’s a net gain of $392,500! That’s a tax rate of return of over 7 percent!

What OTHER investment product competes with THIS level of return?

And one of the best places to buy affordable life insurance is at AccuQuote. Since 1986, we have helped hundreds of thousands of customers save over $100 billion in coverage.

We work with ONLY the top-rated, name-brand life insurance companies in the industry. And we can help YOU get the life insurance you need…at a price you can afford.

Just call us at the number on your screen or go to We love to help people save money.

I’m Byron Udell…and thanks for listening.

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