Health Care Reform Policy Series, Part IV: Views from Government and Industry (7.20.11)

Published on May 20, 2022

Latest videos about Make Money, Extra Money, Save Money-, and How Can Universal Healthcare Save Money, Health Care Reform Policy Series, Part IV: Views from Government and Industry (7.20.11).

A panel of top executives spoke to an audience of more than 300 Nashville health care industry leaders on July 20 about the current and future impact of health care reform on their more than 1,500 collective member organizations that represent life sciences companies, hospitals, device manufacturers and governors from across the nation. Featuring:

Charles N. Kahn III, president and CEO, Federation of American Hospitals (FAH)

Gary Karr, executive vice president, Public Affairs, AdvaMed

Brent Del Monte, vice president of Federal Government Relations,
Biotechnology Industry Organization (BIO)

Steve Lieberman, deputy for Policy and Data Analysis, National Governors Association (NGA)

Moderated by Fawn Lopez, vice president — publisher, Modern Healthcare/Modern Physician

How Can Universal Healthcare Save Money

How Can Universal Healthcare Save Money, Health Care Reform Policy Series, Part IV: Views from Government and Industry (7.20.11).

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