Is Universal Health Care Economically Viable? | Connecting Point | Feb. 3, 2020

Published on February 24, 2021

Popular full length videos related to Easy Ways, Money Issues, Save Gas, and Would Universal Healthcare Save Money, Is Universal Health Care Economically Viable? | Connecting Point | Feb. 3, 2020.

Universal healthcare is a central talking point for many Democrats in the race for the White House. But what would universal healthcare look like? And what would it cost?

Opponents this type of healthcare overhaul say it would be costly and could lead to a lower quality of healthcare. Proponents say that universal healthcare is an economically viable model. Economics Professor Robert Pollin, co-director of the UMass Political Economy Research Institute (UMass PERI), is a support of universal healthcare. He sat down with Carolee McGrath to share his perspective on the economics of the proposal.

Would Universal Healthcare Save Money

Would Universal Healthcare Save Money, Is Universal Health Care Economically Viable? | Connecting Point | Feb. 3, 2020.

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Is Universal Health Care Economically Viable? | Connecting Point | Feb. 3, 2020, Watch most shared high definition online streaming videos relevant with Would Universal Healthcare Save Money.

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